Monday, May 12, 2014

Cayman Islands

What is life for a child in this country:
the children of Cayman live a life much like Americans. They live in normal homes, they eat well, and get a good education.

Childbirth & Medical Care:

  • Hospitals
  • Health Centers
  • Much like the United States

Health Care:

  • 2 Fully equipped hospitals on island
  • numerous clinics
  • visiting specialists
  • if assistance is unavailable patients are sent overseas (Miami)
  • Government offers medical loans
  • Health insurance

Child Care:

  • babysitters
  • daycare

  • turtle meat
  • conch stew
  • papaya
  • cassava cake
  • fish fry
  • family homes
  • beach houses
  • luxury houses
  • apartments


  • 2,584 Marriages in 2010
  • 609 Divorces
  • average household is 2-3 people

  • public
  • private
  • primary
  • secondary
  • some wear uniforms
  • only a few on the island
  • residents do not pay
  • non-residents do pay


  • rugby
  • cricket
  • soccer
  • hockey


  • Christianity
  • Baptist
  • Roman Catholic
  • Pentecostal
  • many citizens regularly attend church

  • English

  • Ash Wednesday
  • Good Friday 
  • Easter
  • Queen's Birthday
  • Constitution day
  • Christmas
  •  Remembrance Day 

  • t-shirts
  • jeans
  • fancy clothes
  • dress like Americans
  • Sunday attire 
Other Information:

  • Turtle Farm on the island
  • British territory
  • Christopher Columbus founded it
  • tourist attraction

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