Monday, May 12, 2014

Cayman Islands

What is life for a child in this country:
the children of Cayman live a life much like Americans. They live in normal homes, they eat well, and get a good education.

Childbirth & Medical Care:

  • Hospitals
  • Health Centers
  • Much like the United States

Health Care:

  • 2 Fully equipped hospitals on island
  • numerous clinics
  • visiting specialists
  • if assistance is unavailable patients are sent overseas (Miami)
  • Government offers medical loans
  • Health insurance

Child Care:

  • babysitters
  • daycare

  • turtle meat
  • conch stew
  • papaya
  • cassava cake
  • fish fry
  • family homes
  • beach houses
  • luxury houses
  • apartments


  • 2,584 Marriages in 2010
  • 609 Divorces
  • average household is 2-3 people

  • public
  • private
  • primary
  • secondary
  • some wear uniforms
  • only a few on the island
  • residents do not pay
  • non-residents do pay


  • rugby
  • cricket
  • soccer
  • hockey


  • Christianity
  • Baptist
  • Roman Catholic
  • Pentecostal
  • many citizens regularly attend church

  • English

  • Ash Wednesday
  • Good Friday 
  • Easter
  • Queen's Birthday
  • Constitution day
  • Christmas
  •  Remembrance Day 

  • t-shirts
  • jeans
  • fancy clothes
  • dress like Americans
  • Sunday attire 
Other Information:

  • Turtle Farm on the island
  • British territory
  • Christopher Columbus founded it
  • tourist attraction

Friday, April 25, 2014


Career Assessment

  • Career Counselor
  • Mental Health Nurse
  • Probation/Parole officer
  • Naturopath
  • Social Worker
  • Abuse/Crisis Counselor
  • Career Coach
  • Addictions Counselor
I decided I didn't want to be any of these, so I chose a registered nurse (RN).

Registered Nurse-provides and coordinates patients care, educate patients and the public about various health conditions, and provide advice and emotional support to patients and their families

Top 3 Career Cluster

  • Health Science
  • Marketing
  • Manufacturing

Career Plan

High School Training

  • Hospital Internship

College degree required

  • Associates
  • Nursing Program

Work Opportunities

  • Hospital
  • Health Clinic
  • Home health

Other Experiences

  • CPR
  • First Aid

Academic Qualities

  • Math
  • Science
  • Foreign Language
  • English

Personal Skills and Interests

  • Self-Reliant
  • Patient
  • Persistent
  • Good at following directions
  • Organized
  • Caring
  • Dependable

Training Required

A day in the life of an RN

  • 7:45 a.m. - Check in patient list to tell me when and how many patients I will be checking on throughout the day
  • 8:00 a.m - Check all the patients
  • 9:30 a.m. - The doctor explains the process to the patient and I finish my computer charting, check the IV medicines, and wait for the doctor. I tell him we are ready
  • 10:15 a.m. - The doctor comes and we begin  to look at the patient
  • 11:30 a.m. - I greet my patient, connect her to monitors, get her medicine, and call the doctor
  • 12:20 a.m. - I go to lunch
  • 1:20 p.m. -  Go back to work
  • 1:20 pm.- 3:30 pm.- shot appointments
  • 3:30 pm.- 5:00 pm - recheck all patients and charts

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

My name is Mikaela Merino. I am 15 years old. I am in the 9th grade. I play the clarinet in band. I live in Friona Texas. I am the youngest of 3 kids. My parents are Fredie and Christi Merino. My brothers are Adrian and Christian. I have a dog named Tobee and a dog name Rylee and a guinea pig named Nicki.
My mom was born in Texas. She is 36 years old. She is the youngest of 3 kids. Her parents are Steve and Sylvia, they live in Guymon Oklahoma. She has one brother named Roman and one sister named Margie. She lived in Friona when she was growing up but later moved to Lubbock. When she had my oldest brother Adrian she moved back to Friona. She is a stay at home mom.
My dad was born in Mexico. He is 39 years old. He is the youngest of 3 kids. His parents are Blanca and Bernardo Merino. They live in Roswell. My dad has 2 brothers the oldest ones name is Jesse. His twins name is Eddie and he is older by only a few minutes. My dad works as a welder.
My brother Christian is a Junior at Friona High School. He is 16 years old. He was born in Hereford. He is in band with me. We usually spend a lot of time together.
My oldest brother is Adrian. He is 21 years old. He went to school in Friona. He is still living with us, but going to college. He is getting married in June then moving to Lubbock.
I have 3 pets, 2 dogs and 1 guinea pig. My oldest dogs name is Rylee, he is a lab and we have had him for 8 years. My other dogs name is Tobee. He is a miniature poodle and we have had him since July. My guinea pigs name is Nicki. I have had her for 1 year.